Suitable for Kids and Adults - Take 4 capsules daily with or without a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Immune & Gut Support - Bovine IgG is designed to support a healthy gut and GI detox. This unique alternative to bovine colostrum capsules supports a healthy mucosal immune system by maintaining healthy gut barrier function.*
Offered in Two Varieties - Mega IgG2000 serves as a non-dairy substitute for your regular colostrum supplement capsules and comes in both powdered and capsule formats. Both options are appropriate for children aged two and older and are intended for everyday consumption.
Dairy-Free Bovine Immunoglobulin Concentrate - Unlike a traditional milk-derived IgG supplement, Mega IgG2000 is derived from serum bovine immunoglobulin, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and B-lactoglobulin-free.
Clinically Trialed Ingredient - The serum immunoglobulin in Mega IgG2000 has been the subject in over 10 published human clinical trials.* The dairy-free immunoglobulin supplement can help support healthy digestion, detoxification, and gut barrier function.*